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Summer Holiday 2022

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Why is the sea so calming?

I don't know about you but for me being beside the ocean is so grounding and calming. Not only is it a place of fun and uninterrupted family time, it is also a place to harvest creativity and inspirations. The gentle swaying of the waves, the sounds of them swishing back and forth. Even the heavier crashing of waves, there is just something there that makes you feel drawn to it, do you feel it too?

Cornwall has always been a favourite place of ours and we have visited various parts many times. Over the last couple of years we have been visiting other parts of the UK, we love to explore new places and find beautiful beaches.

This year we traveled to County Durham, we visited all across the heritage coast. Crimdon Dene, Seaham, Hartlepool were just some of the beaches we visited and oh my they were beautiful! Soft sands and beautiful sea for swimming. The children loved the freedom of the open space to play and build sandcastles (or collect seaweed in my youngests case)The different beaches visited on our Summer Holiday

Even though I love to get away for family time, the love of my work always pops up. There is so much inspiration that comes from the sea. Whether it is because I am away from all the regular humdrum of life it gives my brain space to think or because the sea itself offers so many beautiful treasures!

Seaglass and sea pottery, there is definitely something addictive about hunting for them. An excitedness to grab them quickly before the sea claims them back. The joy of finding those cobalt blues and perfect reds, we all get involved and it becomes a challenge to see what we can find.  Oh and if you have been lucky enough to find sea marbles, those perfect round spheres of sea glass do drop me a message to let me know whereabouts, it's on our ultimate sea glass hunting list.

My latest haul from Seaham will be transformed into some beautiful jewellery pieces to add to my Sea Treasure Collection. It couldn't be more perfect, treasure from the sea and recycled sterling silver paired together to create beautiful unique pieces of jewellery.

Sea glass of all shapes and colours that I collected from the beaches in Seaham

They make a great gift for those who love their jewellery to have an earth connection and with eco friendliness in mind too (all my precious metals are recycled, in each and every piece I create).

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Shell x



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